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Third meeting survey (for mentees) - FSP Spring '25

Thank you so much for participating in FSP, and congratulations on finishing the core program! Hopefully, you are feeling more prepared for the coming semester. Note that you should fill this form only during or after your third meeting.

While FSP is officially over, we may be able to offer continued mentorship to some participants. This form allows us to collect feedback on the program and helps us gain information to aid with the continued mentor-matching process.

As you know, we are unfortunately constrained by mentor capacity, and will not be able to offer continued mentorship to many participants. We also expect to be switching around mentors, even in some cases where both the mentee and mentor express satisfaction in this form. So, if you do not receive continued mentorship or are rematched, that doesn’t mean your mentor requested it!

What is your name?
Who was your mentor?
How likely would you be to recommend someone like you to participate in FSP? (0-10).
Pick a number from 0 to 10, where 0 is not at all likely, and 10 is extremely likely.

What is your overall satisfaction with your mentor?

1 is highly dissatisfied, and 10 is highly satisfied.
What is your overall satisfaction with your mentor?
What is your overall satisfaction with FSP communications?
1 is highly dissatisfied, and 10 is highly satisfied.
What is your overall satisfaction with FSP communications?
What is your overall satisfaction with FSP resources?
1 is highly dissatisfied, and 10 is highly satisfied.
What is your overall satisfaction with FSP resources?
Do you have any comments on any of the four questions above?
Do you have any feedback to share with your mentor?
We will pass this feedback on to your mentor (without naming you specifically).
Please consider sharing at least two things you particularly liked, and two things that you think your mentor could improve on. Previously, mentors have been very grateful for feedback, including feedback that helps them improve!
Would you like to continue working with this mentor if they are available?
Note that, unfortunately, we are able to offer continued mentorship to only a limited number of FSP participants.
Is there anything else you'd like to note? If you wish to remain anonymous, you can use our anonymous feedback form.